“The polar ice cap has continued to melt”

In order to be a global warming journalist, a frontal lobotomy is recommended.

From : http://247wallst.com/2011/02/09/what-if-global-warming-is-real/

The earth has gone through severe weather cycles over the last year.

They used to call those cycles “seasons.”

The polar ice cap has continued to melt.

OK. Ice growth is the new melt.


Scientists claim that record cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere is being caused by cold water moving south from the melting Arctic.

I get it now. The Arctic is melting because of warm water moving north – which is actually cold water moving south.

When the polar region gets small enough, the waters off the UK, Europe, Canada, and the US will warm again.

WTF? Where did he pull that one out of?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to “The polar ice cap has continued to melt”

  1. Airframe Eng says:

    Warmcold in the Arctic is necessary to balance Coldwarm in the temperate zone, unless it doesn’t, in which case it doesn’t matter, unless we say so. The real concern is droughtflood or HotBlizzard, unless it isn’t, or unless we say not. But in any case, the REALLY important stuff is waiting until (exactly) 2050 or later to happen, after we’re all dead, so that no one will be mad.

  2. suyts says:

    lol, yeh you get alot of melt in -40 degree temps.

  3. M Carpenter says:

    At 1.5 Million Square Kilometres below average, it’s not looking great though!

    • Philip Finck says:

      I found the new paper out thatusing standard atmospheric models finds the the arctic has a natural steady stae position that it will return to within usually 2 years of a extreme melting event. In this case defined as an ice free summer. The relationship holds true even using extreme temperature rise predictions to 2100. They found that there was no `tipping point’, that this idea that has been used, but never proven in any manner, is false.

      Now, does one argue that teh circulation model is incorrect and that the result is therefore wrong? Remember it is a standard model. If this is the assumption, then by the old A = B, B = C, then A = C, the use of these models for scenarios on future temperature are also wrong.

      Therefore one is forced to accept that the result is correct and throw out the totally unproven tipping point theory. This also includes the feedback system proposal that would drive an ice free winter arctic state which, for anyone with half a brain, was total garbage anyway.

      Got to love it 🙂 Bet that the paper won’t be cited in the IPPC V report …results to late to be included. But any Team papers from 2010 or 2011 will be referenced.

  4. Ralph says:

    You can say anything you want if no one checks the facts.

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