The Roots Of WWF : 1758

Icelanders knew what to do with Polar Bears.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to The Roots Of WWF : 1758

  1. Latitude says:

    Filly bears……….

  2. Latitude says:

    Pop Quiz: what country leads the world in carbon emissions per capita?

    No, its not China, although that’s a good guess. No, its not the US, although you’ve probably been told that before.

    Here’s the actual list:
    Qatar 51.3
    Kuwait 34.0
    United Arab Emirates 30.9
    Bahrain 29.5
    Trinidad and Tobago 27.7
    Luxembourg 24.2
    Brunei 19.5
    United States 19.0
    Australia 17.7
    Saudi Arabia 16.9
    (and 8 of the 10 are considered “developing countries” by the UN)

    The list for total carbon emissions is a bit different (this is in millions of tons):
    China 7,426.4
    U.S. 5,951.0
    Russia 1,534.4
    India 1,529.1
    Japan 1,225.2
    Germany 796.6
    South Korea 664.2
    Canada 605.9
    Saudi Arabia 544.4
    Iran 544.4

  3. suyts says:

    lol, the natives choose not to naturalize among them……….. prob a good call.

  4. Ray says:

    They badly needed s’s back in those days. It must have been invented later.

  5. Laurie says:

    So, the question is; did they eat it?

  6. Ray says:

    So, is it WWF or WWS?

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