The Science Is Settled : Manhattan Is Indeed Underwater

All 31,487 signers of the Oregon Petition are frauds.

We used to call people like this “delusional” or, to use the medical term, “nuts.” Now, if we’re Republican politicians, we call them “Sir” or “Ma’am,” for they are The Base.

Here’s how my epidemic started: A while back I mentioned global warming. To save you the trouble of looking it up, I’ll summarize: The scientific debate on that is over.

I was pretty sure it was, that climate change had become a political controversy rather than a scientific one. The mail on that column clinched it. People called me a tree-hugger, a liberal, a socialist (two out of three so far, and after watching the new Congress, I’m softening on the third). One guy, out to retire the Non Sequitur Award, called me a “womanizer.”

In all this spittle-spraying, no one presented a fact. It was like arguing in second grade: “Global warming is a hoax because you still have that ’60s mustache, Barack Obama hates white people and Glenn Beck is Lord.”

A repeating theme was reference to the Oregon Petition, supposedly signed by “31,487 scientists who dispute the myth of global warming.”

Such a petition exists. The 31,487 scientists are iffy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The Science Is Settled : Manhattan Is Indeed Underwater

  1. What Petition of 31,487 scientists? whats he talking about? who made that up?

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