The Three Most Important Greenhouse Gases

“nitrous oxide, methane, and CO2”


“global warming will bring more winter rain instead of snow”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Three Most Important Greenhouse Gases

  1. Ralph says:

    Is this the true greenie agenda?

  2. Ralph says:

    Such liberal use of the work “COULD”.

  3. Ralph says:


  4. Philip Finck says:

    Wow, if I made something like that film I would immediately be called a pig, sexist, etc..
    At first I thought the girl had a mental handicap. That is not a negative aspersion on individuals with neurological disorders, before someone accuses me of that (I have a son with autism).

    No pressure.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    “global warming will bring more winter rain instead of snow”

    It’s called Prediction Change now. It’s not Climate Change anymore. Prediction Change describes it so much better. It’s Manmade PC! Yes, two meanings are intended.

  6. oeman50 says:

    Interesting. They somehow avoided mentioning the most important greenhouse gas, water.

  7. lil wanye says:

    globel waming is ruing my weed plants

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