UC Professor Seems To Lack Access Too The Internet?

“2010, globally, was the warmest year on record. The warmer parts of the world outweigh the cooler. This would be a measure of global warming,” Evans says, but he cautions that the warm, dry weather will soon come to an end for Santa Cruz.

Whether you call it global warming or climate change, it’s here, say Evans and Gary Griggs, a UC Santa Cruz professor of earth and planetary sciences.

Climate change brings increased water temperatures, upwelling, changes in atmospheric circulation and wind patterns, as well as larger storms, says Griggs.

Surfers take note, since these are all things that affect the waves.

“Not only will sea level continue to rise, but the wave climate seems to be getting a little more energetic,” says Griggs. “



Increased water temperatures?


Sea level rise?



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to UC Professor Seems To Lack Access Too The Internet?

  1. Hey, those models are too busy conflating reality. You can’t expect them to read too. 🙂

  2. suyts says:

    lol, climate change is here!!!!!

  3. Philip Finck says:

    Wow, it took a scientist to determine that sea level will continue to rise. In areas were there is subsidence or emergence, coupled with long term eustatic sea level rise and/or fall, and where this all works out to equal a net rise in sea level (that isn’t everywhere), what a surprise. Could of told them that 30 years ago when I was a 2nd or 3rd year geology student.

    I wonder how many millions it took to figure that out?

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    There must be a bumper crop of magic mushrooms in the Santa Cruz area!

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    You didn’t actually expect him to know the data, did you?

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