Unfunded Bloggers (David) Defeating Multibillion Dollar International Climate Scam (Goliath)


h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Unfunded Bloggers (David) Defeating Multibillion Dollar International Climate Scam (Goliath)

  1. Latitude says:

    You have to see the irony and humor in all of this….

    when you run out of money, what’s the first to go

    …the liberal BS

  2. omnologos says:

    serendipity afoot

    I was thinking of Watts vs Romm, Goddard vs Romm, McIntyre vs Schmidt. it’s the same story repeating itself.

  3. Jimbo says:

    Slowly but surely sanity is making a comeback. Remember the Cancún climate change summit when Japan refused point blank to extend Kyoto? Slowly but surely we are getting there.

  4. Galvanize says:

    Blinding, diamond…..I have run out of superlatives already.

    Nevertheless, there are still many more White Elephants to bag. Who is next, GISS, CRU….?

    • Nobama says:

      I think they already defunded all climate related efforts at NASA. They want the agency to focus on Space endeavors. Fancy that.

  5. Dave G says:

    What a nice smile I had when I read this

  6. John Silver says:

    Alfred Nobel invented smokeless gun powder.
    Just saying.

  7. Now let’s see what the Senate does with it.

  8. Luetkemeyer: Scientists manipulated climate data, suppressed legitimate arguments in peer-reviewed journals, and researchers were asked to destroy emails, so that a small number of climate alarmists could continue to advance their environmental agenda.

    I guess someone is paying attention.

  9. Nobama says:

    It’s a start. They need to defund Agenda 21 too. A friend tells me the parks service has been closing off vast areas of southeastern Utah because O’sputternik told them to.

  10. Brian says:

    Heres the money line: The U.S. contributes only $2.3 million to the IPCC. Our $2.3 million contribution leverages a global science assessment with global outreach and global technical input – a process we could not carry out alone and one that could come to a halt without U.S. support.

    So, on one hand, the US pays ONLY 2.3 mill, but on the other, this process could COME TO A HALT WITHOUT US SUPPORT

    I think that this is further proof that the people backing the IPCC and everything green are stupid.

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