University Of Arizona Researcher Whips Out Harold’s Purple Crayon

“With the current rate of greenhouse gas emissions, the projections are that the global average temperature will be 8 degrees warmer than present by 2100,” says lead researcher Jeremy L. Weiss, a senior research specialist in the University of Arizona’s department of geosciences.

“That amount of warming will likely lock us into at least 4 to 6 meters of sea-level rise in subsequent centuries, because parts of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets will slowly melt away like a block of ice on the sidewalk in the summertime,” Weiss says.

One minor problem. According to NASA, sea level has been falling or steady around the US for the last 20 years. Who would expect a senior research specialist to actually do some research?


My projection is that we will have to live with this kind of drivel until funding gets cut off. Temperature is -50 degrees on both ice sheets now.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to University Of Arizona Researcher Whips Out Harold’s Purple Crayon

  1. bubbagyro says:

    Of course it will be 8 degrees warmer. It was -47° in Minnesota a week ago; cain’t get much colder! That means a temperate -39° is in store for them in 90 years. I think I will start an air conditioner factory there in preparation for warmer times.

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Earth will be Venus at this rate with 0.03% CO2 compared with Venus 95% and its further from the sun. Shouldn’t Mars be 400 degrees C because of it’s CO2 then?

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Hey Global Warming, Climate change

    Now they have a New name!!!

    Climate Chaos!!!

  4. Jim Cole says:

    Isn’t it astonishing what kind of CRAP gets a pass from vaunted “peer review” these days.

    I can only conclude that “peers” are also dip-sticks.

  5. Baa Humbug says:

    “ of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets will slowly melt away like a block of ice on the sidewalk in the summertime,” Weiss says.”

    The only apt response? F#@k Off you idiot.

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