Update On The Exceptional Warmth In Alaska


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Update On The Exceptional Warmth In Alaska

  1. suyts says:

    lol, really hotting up! Back when I was there, this would be a boon to places like the Savoy(?), the Mecca, and the Boatel. Does anyone know if those are still in business?

  2. MikeTheDenier says:

    Suyts, those places sound like whorehouses? Were you a frequent visitor?? 🙂

    • suyts says:

      HAHAHA….well, the Boatel, was once one, but simply a bar by the time I got there.
      The Mecca…….one of the first things I was told upon my arrival to Ft. Wainwright, was that a particular part of Fairbanks was off-limits. 4th street as I recall, but could be wrong. So, I went to the “off-limits” part of town. I saddled up to the bar and ordered a beer. Almost immediately a very attractive lady saddled up beside me and started chatting. Shortly after the conversation started, her drink was dry and I offered to buy her another. Shortly after that another attractive lady appeared on my other side. At this point I was really excited about the prospects of living in Fairbanks! So I bought her a drink too. Soon afterward, an argument ensued between to the to ladies and the right to “firsties” was invoked. This bewildered me, but was ok because the drinks were very expensive and I was quickly spending my private’s pay. I became more dense as the evening wore on but happy to have the company of an attractive lady in such an unfamiliar place. It wasn’t until I was leaving and suggested she come back to my place that she started discussing something about cost. It was only then that I realized what was going on…… a working girl taking the day off and found a mark!….. It was a crushing blow to my new found ego. I’d see her around many times afterward. I always bought her a drink and when she wasn’t looking for a new customer, she’d take the time to chat and catch up with the latest goings on in our lives.

      • Latitude says:



      • MikeTheDenier says:

        I was taught a term in my youth that fits the bill rather well……..whoredawg 🙂

      • suyts says:

        lol, it was an interesting time! While my mind couldn’t reconcile what had happened, she understood the blow to my ego. I spent the evening thinking she liked my company and was attracted to me. I hadn’t thought twice about spending over $50 on her in an attempt to ply her with booze and impress her with my largess (lol), but the $100 price seemed out of the question to me. She was a stunningly beautiful, bright and articulate woman whose company was a pure pleasure. That particular evening ended with me giving her $50 and calling her a cab.

      • NoMoreGore says:

        While you guys are having all this fun talking about the good old days, people are Freezing in Korea! 🙂


  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Despite all the talk of the warming Arctic, Fairbanks will not be a winter vacation spot anytime soon, whorehouses not withstanding!

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