Washington Post : Obama’s $3,700,000,000,000 Budget “Makes Deep Cuts”

Does the press or the president ever tell the truth about anything?

“Higher taxes key to 2012 plan”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Washington Post : Obama’s $3,700,000,000,000 Budget “Makes Deep Cuts”

  1. AndyW says:

    By making large cuts in social spending, even larger in your armed forces and increasing taxes not at source but on things like gas for cars ( to European levels) and heating/electricity for homes the budget deficit would be greatly reduced, it’s a no brainer.


    • Good way to freeze lots of old people to death. Then the government can tax their estate at 60%

      • AndyW says:

        Putting up heating costs does not freeze people to death. It would however encourage people to properly insulate their homes which means less windmills. We did that over the last 2 years and our heating bills have gone down, even though the price per unit for gas has gone up.


      • maguro says:

        Putting up heating costs does not freeze people to death. It would however encourage people to properly insulate their homes

        Please…old people don’t have the ability to insulate their homes themselves or the money to pay someone else to do it for them. If you raise the cost of heating, all they can do is turn down the thermostat. The lower the thermostats go, the more people die.

    • Chris F says:

      Any government body that would artificially raise the costs of a necessity like heating or transport deserves the full scorn of that society and should be thoroughly trounced during the next election.
      I see you’ve bought right in to the socialist “spread the wealth” dogma.

      • Chris F says:

        And putting up heating costs DOES freeze people to death. Britain is notorious for that.
        Want less windmills? Then stop wasting money subsidizing them and put those dollars into cost effective coal fired plants. Go with what actually works, and has for generations.

    • Justa Joe says:

      You do realize that if fuel prices in the USA even began to creep up towards Euro levels due to the artificial imposition of the government that the next election cycle would be a blood bath for all incumbents?

  2. suyts says:

    Yeh, lol, 3.7 trillion record budget…….has deep cuts.

  3. Baa Humbug says:

    Actually this is an accurate headline. The “deep cuts” are being made into peoples pockets.

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Deep cuts of rational thought.

  5. AndyW says:

    Chris said

    “Chris F says:
    February 16, 2011 at 11:52 am
    And putting up heating costs DOES freeze people to death. Britain is notorious for that.”

    You are just making this up, Britain is not notorious for this. You sound like you have been reading the Daily Mail, which is notorious for this sort of poppycock.


  6. Justa Joe says:

    What is it about libz that makes them think that energy issues can all be solved simply by more insulation and properly inflated tires?

  7. AndyW says:

    Steve said,

    “The winter death toll is set to rise steeply as official figures show that nine elderly people died every hour because of cold-related illnesses last year. The number of deaths linked to cold over the four months of last ?winter reached nearly 28,000.

    But then linked to another daily UK Newspaper that has a large elderly readership ( no ipads there) like the Daily Mail that just quoted comments from, yep you guessed it., age concern groups. Age concern groups who have a reason for claiming bollocks, it is what they are paid for.

    HOW ABOUT A LINK TO SOME UK GOVERNMENT STATISTICS that show winter death due to increased heating costs? You can’t, easier to go for the baloney sound bites to defend your cause.

    And like I said earlier you if you properly insulate your homes your bills go down, even if the government puts up the tax on heating.

    So in summary, no point having a bash at Obama and his deficit when you guys can’t even stomach an energy tax because you love your V8 pick up trucks too much. Stick $2 per gallon tax on gas for a start. Might make you guys reconsider your wasteful ways. Or are you too guys not willing to put up or shut up when it comes to the deficit?

    Good luck 😀


  8. AndyW says:

    Maguro said

    “maguro says:
    February 16, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    Please…old people don’t have the ability to insulate their homes themselves or the money to pay someone else to do it for them”

    Well in socialist Britain the local services will help pay the cost. And therefore not only help the old person at that time but also reduce their bills from then on. Perhaps in non-socialist contries that doesn’t happen though. You seem to have a socialist mentality, wanting to protect the needy, but not the system. Have you considered moving to a new country?


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