White House Attempt To Install An Islamic Theocrary In Egypt – Rebuffed By Saudi Arabia


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to White House Attempt To Install An Islamic Theocrary In Egypt – Rebuffed By Saudi Arabia

  1. Tony Duncan says:

    Ah Yes.
    The US should listen to it’s moderate friendly secular democracy in the middle east.

  2. suyts says:

    I agree, let the Egyptians sort it out. A peaceful transition, obviously, would be the optimal outcome.

  3. Airframe Eng says:

    I don’t think this is simply your concerned citizen seeking freedom sort of uprising in Egypt. It resembles a coup d’ etat.
    … and O’sputternik was quick to pressure Mubarak to walk away (which would cause the country dissolve in utter chaos).

    Note how different from his response to the violence over the Iran election…. eh?
    While apparently Mubarak is no kitten, the alternative will probably be worse. Much worse.

  4. Jim Cole says:

    This report hits squarely at the incompetence and classlessness of Obama.

    If he or any of his Ivy League advisors knew diddle-squat about Arab societies, he would know that “saving face” is critical in all forms of diplomacy. Humiliating your opponent is a sure way to achieve the opposite of your intent.

    Little Barry just couldn’t resist getting out in front of the mob to claim credit and grandstand.

    Pathetic, and dangerous.

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