Why Do They Think Very Cold Air Is Warm?

We keep seeing statements like this in the press – explaining the snow.

“It’s basic atmospheric physics,” said Meg Wilcox, a spokeswoman for Ceres, a national network of investors and environmental organizations. “Warmer air holds more moisture. This fact is apparent when you see water vapor hanging in the air after turning off a hot shower. When warm air holding moisture meets cooler air, the moisture condenses into tiny droplets that will fall as precipitation, rain or snow, depending upon atmospheric conditions.”


This is a nice theory, but the air is unusually cold, not unusually warm. Temperatures are far below normal. Are warmists actually as ignorant (and clueless) as they pretend to be? Extensive snow cover comes during cold winters, not warm ones. It doesn’t snow in Texas during warm winters.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Why Do They Think Very Cold Air Is Warm?

  1. suyts says:

    Yeh, I think its purposeful misdirection. When someone mentions cold, they reflexively start babbling about snow. In the mean time, I’m bracing of some more zero degree F coming my way tomorrow. This is pretty unusual for my neck of the woods.

  2. Molon Labe says:

    That’s what gets me about their whole warmer-Arctic-more moisture-more snow ex post facto rationalization: Why isn’t the extra moisture falling as rain?

  3. latitude says:

    The only warmer air that can hold more moisture, can only be coming up from the south….
    …. and SST’s are way below normal

  4. Jimbo says:

    SARC ON/
    Snowless winters are a sign of global warming. Record NH snow extent is caused by global warming. Remember that “snowfalls are now just a thing of the past” and you nasty sceptics are just living in denial.

    It is becoming increasingly clear who the real deniers are.

  5. Jeff K says:

    I like the “depending on atmospheric conditions” part. Listening to the media you will never hear the temperature of a place that is getting pounded by snow, rather it’s “this extreme weather we’re having,” unless, of course, it’s warmer than average.

  6. bruce says:

    Its important that you can separate the warm moist air from the falling snow. Most nonsophisticated weatherologists have a problem with this exercise. Remember, the falling snow has little to do with the warm moist air. The warm air, I’ll refer to it as WMA from here on, is in the background, although certainly not in an importance sense. This WMA is after all a result of man’s CO2 production. Remember also, WMA is have a negative impact on every life forms existence, indeed the very earth itself. Its not beyond comprehension that this WMA when exposed to natural variabilities in the warming atmosphere would end up as falling snow. Especially when you consider the role Global Warming has had in altering weather systems around the world. So you see its the WMA itself that is impacting climate itself in such a way as to color local weather. Such local weather patterns can be assessed as being the non-normal result of WMA, though indeed totally predictable from climate projections. In this regard these seemingly non GW incidents can be seen as the expected outcome of mans CO2 production.

  7. Sundance says:

    Fox News could have put up a graphic of atmospheric Moisture since the 1940s and shown Meg Wilcox that moisturewas much higher in the 40s, 50s and 60s than today. It would have been a simple way to invaidate her point.

    • Justa Joe says:

      We should see off the charts humidity year round if this fiction were true, but we don’t.

      “Why Do They Think Very Cold Air Is Warm?”
      In this lady’s case it appears that she’s paid to do so. It’s the world’s oldest climate profession.

      What do aerosol water droplets in a bathroom after a shower have to do with warm air? This is silly. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the shower just pumped all of this steam into the bathroom. If you want to really see a lot more take a hot shower in a bathroom with really cold air.

      • Scott says:

        Ah, so you caught it too. You don’t see the water vapor in the air after a shower, you see the condensed aerosolized droplets. Huge difference there. Remember, aerosols supposedly cool the earth. 😉


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