Wisconsin To Warm Six Degrees In The Next 40 Years

A Wisconsin panel has issued a more detailed report that looks at how climate change may affect specific parts of the state.

It’s the first report from the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts, a collaboration between the UW-Madison and Wisconsin DNR.

Jack Sullivan directs the DNR science team and helped with the new report. He says the forecast is for a warmer Wisconsin, with a six to seven degree increase by mid-century. And it’ll be a wetter region as well.

Gilbert says unlike some other climate change modeling, this report can make very geographically detailed projections.


No problem, warming just needs to speed up about 30X to reach the projections of the very accurate climate model.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Wisconsin To Warm Six Degrees In The Next 40 Years

  1. Dave N says:

    “..may affect specific parts of the state”

    Perhaps some parts of the state are warming much faster.

    Dang.. I tried so hard not to laugh when I wrote that.

  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Won’t it warm 6 degrees tomorrow morning?


  3. Dave N says:

    Apparently the WICCI get their data from somewhere other than NCDC:


  4. Airframe Eng says:

    …….So, uh, some parts of the state will get more warming than others? Man, that’s an accurate model.

    Jimmy boy could use these guys to fill in the arctic with temperatures….. oh, wait..

  5. Airframe Eng says:

    somebody just sent me this… it’s good.


  6. Laurie Bowen says:

    I am slowly getting an impression that this site is all sarcasm . . . Fodder for John Stewart . . . Steve Cobert . . . Inc.

    • suyts says:

      Well, it isn’t all sarcasm, but its heavily laden with it. As it should be. I can’t speak for the rest of the posters here, but I’ve come to the conclusion the time for serious discussion with alarmists is past. Skeptics have engaged and there is a sufficient body of evidence that casts great doubt into all facets of the CAGW theory. It has been over 30 years of non-stop gloom and doom predictions from the alarmists. None of it has come to fruition. Sea levels aren’t rising any faster. The arctic ice is still there. Polar bears are thriving. There has been no “tipping point” documented. Nothing has happened and there isn’t any reason to believe anything will happen. There has been no documented increase of weather events, we’re not all drowning, we’re not all suffering from drought conditions.

      It is now time to ridicule these totalitarian Malthusians, to laugh them back to obscurity. We need to send them back under rocks from whence they came.

  7. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The frozen tundra of Lambeau Field.

  8. secondwisconsin says:

    I’ve been waiting some years to plant the two palm trees I have in pots behind me as I type tomorrow the low temp is forecast to be around 30 degrees which is 3 degrees higher then forecast earlier in the week. Could this be the warmup that I’ve been waiting for?

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