WWF : Extreme Cold Due To Extreme Heat

Turn your oven up high next summer to cool the house down.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to WWF : Extreme Cold Due To Extreme Heat

  1. latitude says:

    I looked at the NWF site and couldn’t find the weather forecast….

    Now everyone wants some of the action

  2. suyts says:

    Steve, are you bookmarking all of this stuff? I didn’t think it would get so widespread so I never did. They’re trying to make warmcold a real dictionary word!

  3. Mike Davis says:

    With all the Alphabet ECO Warriors out there it is easy to get them mixed up especially as they are all regurgitating the same garbage. I read that the WWF released a similar report but this beauty is from the NWF. Seeing they are all members of the CLB the confusion is understandable!

    • Mike Davis says:

      The Weather Channel is also really big in the CLB as they seem to predict the most extreme weather. Nothing against Joe over there but some of the others are real winners. I canceled my paid service after the first year and Accuweather has been a private Joke since they started selling their product to broadcast stations. They did not appreciate being told their name is an Oxymoron. The reply was their service is more accurate than the NWS but when a nickle flipped in the air has similar predictive ability to NWS.

  4. Lance says:

    I don’t understand you Americans, its a warm cold!!

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

      If there’s not enough room in the freezer for the ice cream leave out in the sun. That will keep it frozen well.

  5. pwl says:

    Yea no more blaming Canada!!! It’s all climate changes fault!!! [:)]

    Heck we need to upgrade from Igloos anyhow… so bring on the warmth caused by cold! brrrrrr….

    Growing up as a teenager in Edmonton in the 1970s was fun, winters as low as -46c (with windchill subtract another 10c to 30c) and summers as high as 35c gave quite the range of experience… 10c warmer in winter would be very very welcomed by 99% of us Igloo dwellers in the Great WhiteGreen North.

  6. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    The world according to grist, i.e., no one will really care because they can smell its politics coming a mile away.

  7. Too many coincidences bother me! It’s almost like the whole fiasco was planed, first they put out this CAGW hypothesis that the Earth is warming up because of humans fuel consumption, then they put up taxes on the price of fuel, invent carbon offsets to try to cash in on the carbon cycle (that all the freeloader plant life have been feeding off for free since time began) then they invent a thing called peak oil, whereby they create an artificial scarcity further driving up the price of fuel and it all seems to have come together with colder winters that drive up consumption of fuel, most of which is for millions of homes badly in need of heating.
    Therefore the end result was record profits for fuel & energy suppliers, record profits for governments and record funding for climate change, man made global warming lying propagandists (including the mystic met).

    Don’t you love it when a plan comes together!

  8. PhilJourdan says:

    The AGW faithful really have to get their act together. On blogs around the internet, they constantly try to remind everyone that “weather is not climate”. Yet on their premier sites – they always confuse the 2. I know Steve does not want them to get their act straight as it does give him a lot of material.

    But it is tiring that they are basically scolding everyone like children – “Do as I say, not as I do!”. yet they are the ones acting as children.

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