Daily Archives: March 5, 2011

NASA Used To Send People To The Moon

Now they are swimming with the fishes. It looks like NASA’s primary mission (appeasing Islamic countries) is also going very smoothly. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/ http://www.grist.org/

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2006 : People Everywhere Notice That “We don’t get the snow anymore”

ORLANDO, Fla.– f you don’t like the weather now … Just wait, huge changes could be in store. Some scientists predict severe weather events will be even more extreme over the next few decades — more snow, harder rain, and … Continue reading

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CO2 Has Little Effect In The Tropics, And Will Make It Much Hotter There

Our Changing Climate Climatologists Forecast Completely New Climates September 1, 2007 — Geographers have projected temperature increases due to greenhouse gas emissions to reach a not-so-chilling conclusion: climate zones will shift and some climates will disappear completely by 2100. Tropical highlands … Continue reading

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Increasing CO2 Causes Decreased Greenhouse Gas Emissions

H2O is by far the most important greenhouse gas. ScienceDaily (Mar. 4, 2011) — As carbon dioxide levels have risen during the last 150 years, the density of pores that allow plants to breathe has dwindled by 34 percent, restricting the … Continue reading

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Of Course It Melts – The Earth Is “Millions Of Degrees”


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CSU Physicist Discovers Photosynthesis

June 1, 2007 — A physicist from Colorado State University and his colleagues from the North American Carbon Program (NACP) have discerned and confirmed the unforeseen advantages of rising carbon dioxide levels. Through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration, scientists have … Continue reading

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CO2 Is The Only Factor Which Affects The Climate

Carbon Emissions Linked To Global Warming In Simple Linear Relationship ScienceDaily (June 11, 2009) — Damon Matthews, a professor in Concordia University’s Department of Geography, Planning and the Environment has found a direct relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and global warming. … Continue reading

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Turns Out Manhattan Really Is Underwater

Marc Morano sent over this interesting piece from Grist in 2006. His Hansen comparison graph ends right at the peak temperature of 1998, he claims that CO2 “emissions have grown at a modest rate“, and he implies that the 1993 … Continue reading

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