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Daily Archives: March 8, 2011
How Much Has The World Cooled Since 1998?
‘ http://www.remss.com/msu/msu_data_monthly.html
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Puffington Host : Protesting Against Oil Companies Will End La Nina
Instead of protesting, just stop using fossil fuels. Ride a bicycle and heat your home with composted human waste. Don’t use a computer or anything else which requires electricity, and don’t buy food or other products which were transported by … Continue reading
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Ice Growth From 2008 to 2011
The video below (made from US Navy data) shows that most of the Arctic is now covered with ice more than 2.5 metres thick. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RRMxEIg-io] Compare with the much thinner ice in 2008 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8WkSV_zzXk]
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Tamino’s Snow Job
Tamino posted the monthly anomaly graph below purportedly showing that snow cover is on a linear decline. http://tamino.wordpress.com/2011/03/05/snow/ First problem is that he is running a linear trend line across what is obviously a step function. In the late 1980s … Continue reading
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Lodgepole Pines Are Getting Healthier While Going Extinct
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Snow Is Deepest Where It Is Coldest
Prior to the age of climate science stupidity, this would have seemed obvious to everyone. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/snow-and-ice/recent.php?period=c®ion=&submitted=Submit
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Washington Post “there are sound physical science reasons to think that heavy snowfall may become more common in a warming world”
http://voices.washingtonpost.com/capitalweathergang/2011/03/should_global_warming_send_us.html No there aren’t. That is complete nonsense. A warmer world would have less snowfall. Why do they get heavier snow falls in the mountains? Because it is colder in the mountains.
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