Daily Archives: March 9, 2011

Holdren 1975 : US Has Too Much Energy – “less energy can mean more employment”

Page 15 http://news.google.com/newspapers

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February 12, 1899 – Record Cold In New York


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Global Warming Brings More Precipitation


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Amazon Drought Continues


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“Keep the Coal in the Hole”

Neanderthal coal miners caused a 10C rise to end the ice age. http://www.suite101.com/content/huge-climate-change-penalty-from-lignite-mining-a357010

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Arsenal Loses, Julia Up Next


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Frightening Effects Of Climate Change


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The Anti-Hockey Stick

http://cdiac.ornl.gov/ Boulder is home to NCAR, NSIDC, NOAA … and is five degrees cooler than it was in the mid 1950s.

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Barcelona Scores Four Goals – Wins 3-1


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