Daily Archives: March 10, 2011

Met Office Explains That Climate Equals CO2


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In The 1960s, The Environment Was Severely Polluted

The Cuyahoga River used to catch on fire. The Four Corners Power Plant plume was visible half way to the Moon. The Clean Air and Clean Water Acts were critical pieces of legislation – from the days when the EPA … Continue reading

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1958 : Teller Told Eisenhower That Russia Will Defeat The US Through Weather Control


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Earth Day 1970 : Government Scientist Says That Heat From Human Activities Will Be As Great As That Coming From The Sun

http://news.google.com/newspapers Seven years earlier, the same guy was worried about global cooling http://news.google.com/newspapers

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Moscow Heatwave Update

Over the last month, temperatures in Moscow have been averaging a blistering 10F (-12C.) For some reason, Joe Romm seems to have lost interest in Moscow. http://www.wunderground.com/

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1977 : “Second Coming Of The Ice Age”

Page 17 http://news.google.com/newspapers

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Devastating Springtime Warmth In Siberia


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Springtime In The Unfrozen Arctic


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Ocean Temperatures Around Greenland In Freefall


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1969 : “Instant Ice Age On The Way?”


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