Daily Archives: March 12, 2011

1924 : Global Warming To Make The World Explode

Page 20 http://trove.nla.gov.au/

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1923 : Exceptional (Low CO2) Thawing In Arctic Melts 80 Feet Of Ice

Page 8 http://trove.nla.gov.au/

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1949 : Scientists Wanted To Nuke Antarctica To Melt The Ice

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1952 : Massive Arctic Warming, Glaciers Lose Half Their Size, Seas Ice Free Most Of The Time


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1947 : “Enormous” Warming In The Arctic (With CO2 Well Below 350ppm)


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1892 : Huge Icebergs Seen As Far South As New York


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1890 : New York Times Worried About Global Warming


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NYT 1882 : Polar Bears Smarter Than Arctic Explorers


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Last Month : Obama Bragged That Japanese Nuclear Power Is Safer Than CO2


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Reading Between The Lines Of A Crawldown

What they mean : “It had nothing to do with global warming.” What they mean : “We jumped to conclusions prematurely.” What they mean : “The breakup was mechanical, not thermal.” What they mean : “The professor acknowledges that his … Continue reading

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