Daily Archives: March 12, 2011

1955 : Sears Sold Automatic Shotguns


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Scientists Recycling Ice Shelf Melt Story – For Almost 60 Years!

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1939 : “Scientist Would Paint Arctic Black, Increase Habitable Area of World”


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1912 New York Times : Melt The Arctic In Order To Tip The Earth On Its Axis, And Improve The Climate


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National Research Council 1946 : Melt The Arctic With Atomic Bombs To Improve The Weather

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National Geographic 2004 : Florida And Lousiana To Drown With The Polar Bears

The rising temperatures are likely to cause the melting of at least half the Arctic sea ice by the end of the century. A significant portion of the Greenland ice sheet—which contains enough water to raise the worldwide sea level … Continue reading

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WWF 2004 : Polar Bears To Be Infertile By 2014

November 12 2004 Warmer Arctic a dire threat to planet Scientists at the World Wildlife Fund said that, if that continues, many of the polar bears in the Hudson Bay area will be so thin within the next 10 years … Continue reading

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Serreze 1992 : “no evidence that Earth is suffering from the greenhouse effect”


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Berkeley Biologist : “Under a best-case scenario, temperatures will warm by four degrees between now and 2100”

If predictions hold, the world could be hotter in 2040 than at any time since humans have inhabited the Earth, he said. Global warming will force wildlife species to move around the globe to find habitat that suits them. http://www.sltrib.com/ … Continue reading

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Montreal Gazette Common Sense : The Arctic Is Melting At -30C Causing Winter Cold In Florida

Probably the most seductive form of climate-change denial has to be the snowstorm in Florida argument. It goes like this: If the climate is warming how come I’m f-in freezing? We had another weird winter in North America and it’s … Continue reading

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