150th Anniversary Of The Civil War

April, 1861

150 years later, we still have factions who believe it is their privilege to take away freedoms from others.

The environmental slavery program – manged by the EPA.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 150th Anniversary Of The Civil War

  1. Tory says:

    The civil war was fought primarily over tariffs. The south had 80% of the ports and import duties were the primary source of the federal government’s funds. Two days before Lincoln took office fellow Republican/Whig/Hamiltonian Buchanan doubled the tariff. Lincoln said in his first inaugural address that blood would be shed if the duty wasn’t paid.

    Great books to read:
    The Real Lincoln, by Thomas Dilorenzo
    The Politically Incorrect guide to American History, by Thomas Woods

  2. PhilJourdan says:

    Correction – War of Northern Aggression.

  3. Jeff K says:

    The Civil War exemplified that state’s rights truly do not exist (look at Arizona). If any state within the union truly exercised it rights it would be pounced upon like Michelle Obama on a half gallon of Ben “n” Jerry’s.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    What would the country be like now if we hadn’t had the Civil War and the South was allowed to leave the Union?

  5. Blade says:

    150 years later, we still have factions who believe it is their privilege to take away freedoms from others.

    The environmental slavery program – manged by the EPA.

    Yep. How ironic is it that the same party (D) that was the vehicle of slaveholders who fought to keep my ancestors as property, is today still up and running as the vehicle of modern slavemasters, econuts, socialists and communists. And for the record, I am very sympathetic to the southern point of view as well, that of states rights, because to a clear thinker these are not mutually exclusive ideas.

    Fact is, there were those in the North who could care less about slavery (fought for the Union) and those that fought against slavery (‘screw the Union’) and those that wanted no fight at all.

    Fact is, there were those in the South who could care less about slavery (fought for their state) and those that fought for slavery (‘screw the state and the Union’) and those that wanted no fight at all.

    The mistake made by people today is that they latch onto any one of those six possible reasons and press it as if it was the only one. The whole thing is very complicated and easily lends itself to agenda driven people. My own take on is this:

    Those in the North that fought to end slavery were correct.

    Those in the South that fought for states rights were correct.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      Without your qualifications, your summation appears to be perfect politics! 😉

      However your qualifications are excellent. I appreciate it when people look at the issue objectively and honestly.

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