Daily Archives: March 16, 2011

1956 : “moisture conditions are the worst in recorded history”

Page 14 http://news.google.com/newspapers

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1957 : “one of the worst droughts in American history”


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Early Spring In 1934

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Troubling News About Japan


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Pennsylvania Constitution Is Perfectly Clear

The intent of the founding fathers is quite clear about the right to bear arms. Nothing about hunting or being in the military, or any of the other nonsense the left tries to promote. http://news.google.com/

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Winter, Spring, Summer Or Fall – On The Same Scale

Rutgers University snow cover plotted by season with, mean and +/- two standard deviations. All on the same scale. http://climate.rutgers.edu/snowcover/table_area.php?ui_set=1

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Declining Spring Snow Cover Affecting Deer In Minnesota

http://www.startribune.com/local/117960869.html h/t to Marc Morano

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Declining Spring Snow Cover?

Northern Hemisphere Spring (March-May) snow cover with red lines showing two standard deviations. From http://climate.rutgers.edu/ Note that every year except 1968 and 1979 are within two standard deviations. Once again, another AGW fundamental principle proves to be little more than … Continue reading

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Another Day, Another Obama Train Wreck

Why did Obama encourage the Libyan rebels if he wasn’t willing to assist them? Apparently NCAA basketball is more important. http://www.spectator.co.uk/

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Chomsky Proposes Fascism As A Solution To Global Warming

http://www.amazon.com/ Suppose it was discovered tomorrow that the greenhouse effects has been way understimated, and that the catastrophic effects are actually going to set in 10 years from now, and not 100 years from now or something. Well, given the … Continue reading

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