Daily Archives: March 16, 2011

1994 : Time Magazine Warned Of A Coming Ice Age


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1975 : National Academy Of Sciences Warned Of A Coming Ice Age


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1970 : Climatologists Forecast A New Ice Age


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Scientific American : “Ten possibilities for staving off catastrophic climate change”

Forego Fossil Fuels Infrastructure Upgrade Move Closer to Work Consume Less Be Efficient Go Vegetarian Stop Cutting Down Trees Unplug One Child Future Fuels— ethanol derived from crops Experiment Earth http://www.scientificamerican.com/ They should do all those things – and live … Continue reading

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The Color Purple

Raw                                       Hansen                                 Purple Hansen uses the “color everything in the Arctic red or brown” algorerhythm – to fill in missing data. I propose a different solution – color everything purple. That will make the Polar Bears happy.

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