Daily Archives: March 17, 2011

Romm : Anything A Climatologist Says Is Unequivocally True


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New Ice Information Service For The Unfrozen Arctic


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Guardian Bumps Up Radiation Levels By 1000X


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Stern Forecasts Hottest Weather In 30 Million Years

I think that’s ludicrous. And it’s not clear what the real foundations of those kinds of estimates are. That would be saying that living in conditions which we haven’t seen for 30 million years on this planet would involve just … Continue reading

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Greenland Dogsled Race Cancelled Because Of Too Much Sea Ice

http://knr.gl/index.php h/t to Marc Morano

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Romm Says We Are Actually On Scenario A++

So much for Gavin’s claim of scenario B. These guys should talk to each other and get their story straight.  

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Romm Says That Weather Forecasts Rely On Satellites Which Haven’t Been Launched Yet

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“Last winter was proof of climate change”

Now we know that cold fronts have warm air behind them. When the reflective ice and snow layer is stripped away, it leaves a dark blue sea which absorbs the sun’s rays and aids the heating process. As the ocean … Continue reading

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Montreal Gazette Wonders If Meltwater From Glaciers Lubricated Japanese Fault At The Bottom Of The Ocean

This is a new global warming concept – seawater is wetdry, and freshwater now sinks into a column of denser seawater. Could global warming be causing recent earthquakes? These scientists theorize, however, that glacier melts could cause shallower quakes. Andrew Hynes, a … Continue reading

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1954 : US “Deliberately” Spread Fallout In The Pacific


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