Daily Archives: March 17, 2011

1946 : “Ghost Fleet” Atmospheric Testing

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1925 : German Professor “accidentally” Made Gold Out Of Mercury

  Page 36 http://trove.nla.gov.au/

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1966 : “Accidental” Nuclear Explosion In Nevada

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1950s Soviet Nuclear Accident

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March Ice Extent Is Anti-Predictive

http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php In the DMI record, there is an anti-correlation between March ice extent and September ice extent. The three highest years in March (2008 2009 2010) had lower summer minimums, while two of the lowest March extent years (2005 and … Continue reading

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1964 : Nuclear Accident In Rhode Island


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1960 : Odds Of Nuclear Accident “One In Trillion”


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1957 – Criticality Accident In England


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1968 – US Lost Four H-Bombs In Greenland


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1958 : Nuclear Disaster In Russia

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