Daily Archives: March 17, 2011

Bikini Atoll 1946

The military wanted to know what would happen to a bunch of ships near ground zero of a fission bomb. Apparently they thought it was OK to irradiate a bunch of nearby islanders. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l6Q8Q1smwg] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bravo_Fallout.jpg  

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The Maldives Was Also Just Above Sea Level – When Sea Level Was 10 Meters Lower

These people have zero understanding of science. http://dir.salon.com/books/int/2001/10/23/weather/index1.html They have been planning for it by building a new airport next to the water.    

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Math Problem

Suppose someone believed that 95% of The Earth’s surface was at a 0.1 temperature anomaly, and that the other 5% was at an (extrapolated) 5.0 anomaly. What would the global anomaly be? (.95 * 0.1) + (.05 * 5.0) = … Continue reading

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What Part Of This Is It That Some People Don’t Understand?

While doing research 12 or 13 years ago, I met Jim Hansen, the scientist who in 1988 predicted the greenhouse effect before Congress. I went over to the window with him and looked out on Broadway in New York City … Continue reading

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