1885 : Extreme Heat Wave In The UK – Children Dying By The Hundreds

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h/t to glacierman

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1885 : Extreme Heat Wave In The UK – Children Dying By The Hundreds

  1. Mike Davis says:

    NONONONONONO!!!! That can not be right because we all know that sort of thing only started happening since 2000 because 2000 to 2009 was the warmest decade since records began and temperatures were mild with stable climate before 1950!
    The Newspaper was probably exaggerating!

  2. Airframe Eng says:

    Sounds like global warming causes rabies too. Better add that to the list.

  3. Ivan says:

    …and in Australia (Jan 1885)
    “Today has been the most oppressive of the season. The thermometer registered 140deg. in the sun and 101deg. in the shade”

    ..more in Australia (Jan 1885)
    “An elderly person..dropped dead on Wednesday from the effects of the heat..”

    ..more in Australia (Feb 1885)
    “Spontaneous Barn Burning.”

    ..and in America (July 1885)
    “The intensity of the heat in New York .. For the 24 hours ending the 21st July 150 deaths from heat were reported.”

    ..and in Jerusalem (July 1885)

    ..and on the sub-continent (Aug 1885)
    “The intense heat is proving fatal even to natives employed in the construction of the railway to Quetta.”
    “a general advance is just now totally impossible, on account of the excessive heat.”

    .. and in America (Aug 1885)
    “It appears that on Aug. 24 intense heat was experienced, the hot wave extending over all the Eastern and South-eastern States.”

    .. and in Rome (Sept 1885)
    “September continued very hot until its close..”

    ..and in Australia.. again (Nov 1885)
    “On the Darling the pastures are visibly withering, the heat being excessive.”

    ..again in Australia..again (Dec 1885)
    “The heat today was intense, the thermometer in the shade at 1 o’clock registering 103deg”

    ..and in New Zealand (Dec 1885)
    “THE summer sun shines out with unwonted warmth to-day..”

    Dare we call this a year of .. er .. um .. “Global Warming”?

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