1912 : Children In The US Received Too Much Education


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 1912 : Children In The US Received Too Much Education

  1. Jeff K says:

    Well, the Department of Education has certainly put a stop to that foolishness-imagine, teaching children English, History, and Math back then when in today’s enlightened era we teach Self Esteem, Sex Education, and Global Studies.

  2. Tory says:

    These parents were right! Schools, modeled after the Prussian system of making obedient, servile citizens) have always been indoctrination centers in the US. Why should a kid have to spend eight hours away from his family each day and then be burdened with homework on top of that? It’s because the Elite want them to see the state as their family.

    Ask yourself why home schooled kids are so much more productive, independent-minded and successful.

    • Mike Davis says:

      If you Cherry Pick your results you can find whatever you want! It depends on the dedication of the teacher in the home school program.
      Your claim is not necessarily true!

      • Tory says:


        It’s not even fair to compare it to government schools as they are filled with lies and indoctrination and deadbeat instructors. Honestly, a kid with a tutor can cover the federal high school curriculum in a summer. It’s a joke and a waste of kids’ time.

        Look how badly US kids have slipped in Math and Science etc. But they sure know how to trust their leaders when it comes to the endless wars and bailouts and, dare I say, climate change.

        Along with the corporate media it’s all a bunch of mass mind control. They don’t want a citizenry capable of critical thinking. And they’ve been well successful.

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