1925 : German Professor “accidentally” Made Gold Out Of Mercury


Page 36


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1925 : German Professor “accidentally” Made Gold Out Of Mercury

  1. Mike Davis says:

    CO2 accidentally is claimed to contribute to global warming also and the claims of both are equally valid. Next week we can watch Big Jim Transmute Lead into Gold! His work is about equal to Alchemy!
    I am thinking maybe a Wolfen! When id the last time someone spotted Big Jim on a night with a Full Moon? I have not seen him on any of those nights!

  2. Hamid shekh says:

    I have some quations plz answer me plzzzz !

  3. Hamid shekh says:

    I have some quations about artificial gold plz answer me plzzzz !

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