1947 : “Enormous” Warming In The Arctic (With CO2 Well Below 350ppm)


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1947 : “Enormous” Warming In The Arctic (With CO2 Well Below 350ppm)

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    CO2 is an EVIL gas!! Since you can find no safe level, we need to do whatever necessary to reduce its level to 0.

  2. Blade says:

    Yup! And we should call the website Zero.org (unless it’s already taken by Barry Hussein). But then again, Hansen will necessarily object to this 0 ppm idea …

    Therefore, it is foolish to demand that policy makers reduce CO2 to 280 ppm. Indeed, if, with a magic wand, we reduced CO2 from today’s 389 ppm to 280 ppm that change would increase Earth’s heat radiation to space by almost 2 watts (per square meter). The planet would rapidly move toward a colder climate, probably colder than the Little Ice Age. Whoever wielded the magic wand might receive a Middle Ages punishment, such as being drawn and quartered. – James Hansen, from ‘Conversation with Bill McKibben‘ dated December 12, 2010. [see: PDF from Columbia.edu], [also see: Discussion at WUWT].

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