2000 : NYT Declares 1962 To Be “50 Million Years Ago”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to 2000 : NYT Declares 1962 To Be “50 Million Years Ago”

  1. Ivan says:

    And before that in 1926:
    NOME, May 16.
    Lieutenant Hjalmar Larsen, the Norwegian second pilot of the Norge, on being interviewed, said thin ice and open water were found at the North Pole, but no
    land was discovered in the Arctic wastes by the expedition. The Norge was in the air for 72 hours. A considerable time was spent at the Pole for observations.”
    ~18 May 1926

  2. Ivan says:

    …and this from 1931:

    “After a successful cruise in the Arctic regions, the German airship Graf Zeppelin returned today. The scientists on the airship accomplished much more than was expected.”

    “The flight from Franz Joseph Land to North-East Island (Spitzbergen) occupied only four hours. It was westablished that the ice conditions on the Tamyr Peninsula and Nova Zembla were favourable in summer for shipping.”

    and my personal favourite:
    “The members of the expedition looked down on a drifting floe, on which sat a travelling family of Polar bears. All the bears shook their heads in apparent disapproval of the voyagers.”
    ~1 Aug 1931

  3. Mike Bromley says:

    Funny, the IPCC has not studied a damn thing. They’ve elevated cherry picking of supporting ‘data’ to a new level, but study? Nada.

  4. Ivan says:

    …and this in 1873
    ONCE again news reaches us from the far North of that mysterious silent sea which lies round the Arctic Pole, and into which no vessel has ever yet made her way. As far back as the days of Barentz, in 1590, open water was seen to the eastward of the northernmost capes of Nova Zembla. The Dutch fishermen above and around Spitzbergen have frequently pushed their way through the ice into large open spaces, varying in size and form with the season and the winds…”
    ~28 Mar 1873

  5. Mike Davis says:

    Where are the satellite photos to prove those claims!!!!!! 😉
    Where is our resident NSIDC Scientist with a counter claim!
    We know they have accurate data going back “Millions” of years to support the claims of Greatest ice loss in Millions of years! RIGHT! RIGHT!

  6. Jimbo says:

    More recently:

    Navsource – See also photo
    Skate (SSN-578), surfaced at the North Pole, 17 March 1959.

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