2006 : Britain Warns Of 5C Warming And Catastrophe


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 2006 : Britain Warns Of 5C Warming And Catastrophe

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    SOS. Don’t they get tired of crying wolf all the time?

  2. Rummy says:

    @Andy Weiss

    Not when it’s so lucrative.

  3. Paul H says:

    The hypocrite Bliar obviously does not believe such nonsense. Two years later he bought a large country manor house which just happens to be his 6th property.


    He is also not averse to jetting round the world at the drop of a hat to earn the odd 50 Grand for some smarmy speech.


    His carbon footprint must be almost as big as Al Gore’s.

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