2006 : People Everywhere Notice That “We don’t get the snow anymore”

ORLANDO, Fla.– f you don’t like the weather now … Just wait, huge changes could be in store. Some scientists predict severe weather events will be even more extreme over the next few decades — more snow, harder rain, and hotter heat waves.

People everywhere are noticing the changes in climate. Susan Decker, from Broomfield, Colo., says, “It seems warmer. Not as cold. We don’t get the snow anymore.” Rob Topolski, from Paducah, Ky., says, “We also don’t have not nearly as much snow as we used to in Kentucky.” Abbie Pumarejo, from Augusta, Ga., says, “It just seems like every summer gets a little bit warmer.”

Gerald Meehl, from the Climate and Global Dynamics Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (N-CAR) in Boulder, Colo., tells Ivanhoe, “We see the biggest increase in heat waves in the Pacific Northwest where we don’t presently have heat waves.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to 2006 : People Everywhere Notice That “We don’t get the snow anymore”

  1. Jeff K says:

    What year were these interviews done or what planet do these folks live on. I’m constantly monitoring the weather and these claims are the complete opposite of what’s been happening the last few years.

  2. Jeff K says:

    Sorry for above comment. I should have noticed the year, 2006, in the beginning of article. I can understand why people would say these things as many feel the way thing are now will be permanent and only get worse-human nature I suppose.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Even in 2006 it was known that there are long term weather patterns that bring variations in temperature and precipitation to regions. Natural Variations do not fit the agenda so need to be ignored!

  4. Scott says:

    Basically, people nowadays have an entitled attitude and think they’re special. So of course, any odd behavior is pointed to as unprecedented and caused by humanity.

    While I don’t necessarily agree with Steve’s approach to this blog, I do think he does a good job of showing the above to be untrue. Basically the anti-MSM or anti-Romm kind of thing. Counters anecdotal with anecdotal.


    • suyts says:

      Many may not like the approach, but I see it as a necessity and has been long over due in the skeptical community. If one were to remove all of the extreme anecdotal events and comments from the alarmist community, maybe someone could actually have time to start addressing real science.

      While many alarmists cry about how they aren’t getting their message across, one could say the same for skeptics. We’ve tried to engage in a polite inquisitive manner. Only to be derided and slurred. We’ve(speaking to the skeptic community and not myself) tried scholarly refutation. McIntyre and the vamperic hockey stick is a great example. It doesn’t matter how many times they are invalidated. The Romm’s, Lamberts, and cast of MSM mimicking morons persevere.

      I stated a couple of years ago, the time has come for skeptics to change demeanor. We don’t need to engage them anymore. It is point and laugh time. It may sound harsh, but consider how close we came to the abyss. Were it not for a totally ineffectual ideologue(the current POTUS), the U.S. would have passed the “Cap and Trade” bill. If that was to occur the entire western civilization would have been locked into such madness for decades. Now, other nations are rethinking their position because of our rejection. Australia notwithstanding, but I’ve a sense that bit of madness won’t be tolerated for long. I’ve much faith in the people of Australia.

      And, then there is the part of me that wishes the wants and needs of my fellow beings in humanity to be provided. They’ve offered themselves up for ridicule and scorn, who are we not to oblige?

  5. Paul H says:

    It just shows how brainwashed some people can get.

    I remember one woman ( might have been the example above) saying in an interview that the warming climate was quite noticeable in her neck of the woods.

    I defy anybody to notice perhaps a 0.25C change spread over 20 years.

  6. Opps, they didn’t get the memo.

    p.s. memos aren’t peer reviewed, are they

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