2007 : Coldwarm Killing Corals


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to 2007 : Coldwarm Killing Corals

  1. suyts says:

    lol, now cold causes bleaching, too!

  2. Al Gored says:

    Yes, this is “normally associated” with “extremes of hot weather” except when it is associated with extremes of warmcold weather. Seems perfectly normal.

    Why haven’t they recognized this as a poster child for climate disruption, caused by the unprecendented swing from warmhot to warmcold? Now I fear the poor coral is so stressed that it will bleach just for the hell of it, or from warnmedium extremes.

    We’re doomed. The coral has gone Michael Jackson.

  3. Ivan says:

    …and last year in Florida too…
    First Florida Cold-water Bleaching Event in 30 Years.
    During the first two weeks of January 2010, water temperatures in some parts of the Keys dropped into the upper 40s and lower 50s, which is about
    20 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the typical temperatures of the upper 60s and lower 70s. The lethal lower limit for corals is 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
    A widespread cold-water coral die-off has not occurred in Florida since the late 1970s.”

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Evil warmcold is an inevitable peril resulting from manmade Climate Change!

  5. Ivan says:

    …at the same time that the rest of the world’s oceans are heating, apparently:
    ScienceDaily (June 24, 2010) — Discoveries about tropical coral reefs are expected to be invaluable in efforts to restore the corals, which are succumbing to bleaching and other diseases at an unprecedented rate as ocean temperatures rise worldwide.”

  6. Ivan says:

    ..no, no .. its both warm and cold, apparently..
    Scientists link both hot and cool ocean temperatures to coral disease
    We have seen studies on warmer ocean temperatures and the effects it has on coral disease and bleaching events but a new study shows the link between mild water temperatures during the preceding winter period with outbreaks of coral diseases.”
    ~Sept 2010

  7. Ivan says:

    ..no .. no .. definitely hot…
    May 2010 Global Temperature Is Warmest on Record; Spring and January-May Also Post Record Breaking Temps
    ScienceDaily (June 17, 2010) — The combined global land and ocean surface temperature was the warmest on record for May

  8. Ivan says:

    .. no … no .. cold! Positively this time…
    Meanwhile, Sea Surface Temperatures Continue to Fall

    Is it any wonder the coral is confused? It’s dying from indecision.

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