2011 Melt Season Shaping Up Very Differently From 2010

The ice is much thicker in the Beaufort Sea, and temperatures are much colder there than last year.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 2011 Melt Season Shaping Up Very Differently From 2010

  1. Blade says:

    LOL, this is one of those posts that would drive the trolls crazy when Steve posted at WUWT (wonder why they didn’t follow him over here 😉

    Even though I want to see 100% melt, that means no sea ice at all (just to prove that sea levels stay the same and life goes on as normal), let’s hope for a tiny melt instead (large minimum sea ice extent) just so we can watch their heads explode this NH summer.

    Anything that causes anguish to the AGW cult is a good thing.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    The alarmist’s handouts might soon go into a death spiral. That is the death sprial they really fear!

  3. Al Gored says:

    But, but… I’ll bet that entire pink area disappears by the summer.

    And where on the planet is the current ‘Nunavut hot spot’ that is causing all that warmcold in Canada now?

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