Daily Archives: March 21, 2011

Life In A Mad House

Pretend for a minute that the climate models bore some resemblance to reality. If you actually believe the models, then you also have to believe that all the lame gestures being proposed to “stop global warming” – are essentially worthless. … Continue reading

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Skeptical Thoughts Control The Climate

Non-believers must be purged – for the sake of future generations. Faith in Gaia is needed to save the planet. Perhaps a Spanish Inquisition is in order? http://www.theaustralian.com.au/

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Recipe For Disaster : Betting On Gore And/Or Obama

The climate-change crowd’s running on empty You probably know who the first two are. Browne is the singer-songwriter from California who took the lead in organizing the no-nukes campaign by all those people who play electric guitars. Gore is the … Continue reading

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