Daily Archives: March 24, 2011

Hansen Already Bluffed The La Niña Card In 2010

Even for a near record-breaking year like 2010 the broader context is more important than a single year. “Certainly, it is interesting that 2010 was so warm despite the presence of a La Niña and a remarkably inactive sun http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/news/20110113/ … Continue reading

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My UAH March Forecast

-0.1C  : The coldest March of this millennium.  

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Revkin Places Quebec At The North Pole

http://revkin.tumblr.com/post/4058030346/north-pole-ice-maximum-pretty-minimal h/t to Marc Morano and Tom Nelson

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Cook : 97% Of Scientists Believe That Climate Change Does Not Happen Naturally

http://www.skepticalscience.com/news.php?n=646 If Cook’s statement were correct, the implication would be that the climate does not normally change. Climate scientists can’t forecast the Sun, volcanoes, oceanic cycles, clouds, rain, snow, ice, soil moisture – or anything else which affects the climate … Continue reading

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Catlin Team Faces -42C And Five Metre Thick Ice

Looks like PIPS was right, after all. http://www.catlinarcticsurvey.com/2011/03/23/explorers-reach-ice-base/ h/t to Marc Morano and Tom Nelson

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Disappeared : Met Office 2007 Summer Forecast

On April 11, 2007 the Met Office issued this forecast : News release 11 April 2007 Met Office forecast for Summer 2007 The latest seasonal forecast from the Met Office issued today, reveals that this summer is, yet again, likely to be … Continue reading

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Disappeared : Met Office 2007 Global Forecast

On January 4, 2007 the UK Met Office forecast that 2007 would be the “hottest year ever.” News release 4 January 2007 2007 – forecast to be the warmest year yet 2007 is likely to be the warmest year on … Continue reading

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Hiding The Evidence : Met Office 2009 Winter Forecast

The Met Office has deleted their failed winter 2009/2010 forecast from their web site. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/science/creating/monthsahead/seasonal/2009/winter.html Here is the original forecast, before the Met Office deleted it. http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/

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CO2 Madness Driving The World Insane

In the absence of not yet developed (and not necessarily feasible)  storage technology, wind and solar are nearly useless in most places. Nuclear obviously has its problems. Coal, oil and natural gas are abundant, and provide the vast majority of … Continue reading

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Green Economist Says That Burning Sydney And Melbourne Would Improve Australia’s Economy

Crime and car accidents increase the GNP because of the increased work for police, ambulances and prisons. A reduction in crime reduces the GNP. Similarly, a good way to increase Australian GNP would be to burn down Sydney and Melbourne … Continue reading

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