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It was also settle science that Salem witches caused climate change!
Steve, I know you’ve seen this Arctic Ice chart, but I just saw it for the first time…
…I didn’t realize that Arctic Ice extent was so low in 1950
There’s a upward trend from 1950 to 1972, then starts back down again.
But according to this chart, the all time low was back in the 50’s
I’m not seeing that in the graph?
I might not be looking at it right.
Isn’t the top dot the max?
If it is, then the early 50’s and 60’s were a lot lower than I thought.
Max’s are a lot easier to measure than min’s though, I’m sure the high min’s are a measuring error.
Quebec just isn’t generating their fair share of Arctic ice any more.
Then there’s that lol
I just played around with it for a min.
Nothing going on in Newfoundland, all normal since 1810..
and when you go to “Arctic Islands: sea ice anomaly 1978-2000” there’s been no change at all – zippo, nada
I understand there has been very little change in the Arctic ice extent around the islands of Hawaii and the Philippines! but they are either included in the “Arctic Ice” extent this year or will be included any year now!
All of the Colorado Arctic Ice melts every summer. A real tragedy.
you may not believe this but the models that astronomers used in the 16th century were not as developed as current climate models. I think their computers were not as powerful. Even Freeman Dyson would concede that point
Yes, scientists can generate garbage trillions of times faster now.
It may come as a shock to you but in the 1500s they were Astrologers!
From WIKI:
Astrology was widely accepted in medieval Europe as astrological texts from Hellenistic and Arabic astrologers were translated into Latin. In the late Middle Ages, its acceptance or rejection often depended on its reception in the royal courts of Europe. Not until the time of Francis Bacon was astrology rejected as a part of scholastic metaphysics rather than empirical observation. A more definitive split between astrology and astronomy the West took place gradually in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when astrology was increasingly thought of as an occult science or superstition by the intellectual elite. Because of their lengthy shared history, it sometimes happens that the two are confused with one another even today. Many contemporary astrologers, however, do not claim that astrology is a science, but think of it as a form of divination like the I-Ching, an art, or a part of a spiritual belief structure (influenced by trends such as Neoplatonism, Neopaganism, Theosophy, and Hinduism).