AndyW Alerts Us That The Western Arctic Is Melting

Temperatures are in Fahrenheit.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to AndyW Alerts Us That The Western Arctic Is Melting

  1. AndyW says:

    I seem to recall I said the Pacific side, in contrast to the Atlantic side rather than the Western side ( ie the Bering Sea), however due to my love of brandy, to keep warm in these cold times, my recall is not what it used to be 🙂


    • Mike Davis says:

      Showing Alaska and the Bering straight gets you as close to the Pacific side of the Arctic as you can get. Any closer and you would be out of the Arctic!
      If you meant the Bering Sea, why did you not claim Bering Sea rather than saying the Pacific side of the Arctic, Which BTW Steven shows ?
      Pacific Side and Western Arctic Ocean are one and the same just different names. Maybe Steven can display the difference as it only requires changing the labels used for the same region!

      • AndyW says:

        If you read the original piece Steve put up he was having a joke that the NW Passage was still frozen up and showed a map of there and the North Atlantic / Canadian cost, so I posted about melting happening on the Pacific side.

        Of course, the melt only happens at the edges at this time of year, so it ain’t going to be further north, nobody mentioned the Arctic ocean, just the Arctic ice sheet ( see the difference).


  2. Mike Davis says:

    I found NOTHING showing the Bering Sea being part of the Arctic Ocean. However due to the current nature of Global Warming it may have moved closer to the North Pole and above the Arctic Circle or the Arctic circle may have moved to 50 North and then would include areas such as the Bering Sea and Hudson Bay!
    As bad as the Global Warming is getting I would venture to guess a near future move of the Arctic Circle to 40 North to prove extreme warming inside the Arctic Circle

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    There has been an upper ridge around Alaska, so they have been relatively warm. But as a result of that ridge, central and eastern Canada have been relatively cold. That is the way the weather normally works, when there is a ridge somewhere, there is a trough somewhere downstream.

  4. AndyW says:

    I don’t think it is wind Steve, the ice seems to be getting less concentrated

    with wind pushing it north then it would get more concentrated. Also notice the large polynia forming due in part to warmer hot spots.


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