Aussie Scientists : Oz Never Used To Have Fires, Floods Or Cyclones

Why would government funded scientists want to raise taxes to keep their grant money coming in?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Aussie Scientists : Oz Never Used To Have Fires, Floods Or Cyclones

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Whatever they are mining must have societal benefit if they are “hugely successful”. Also, it goes without saying that increasing taxes will not reduce fires, floods, cyclones, etc. which have been happeing with regularity in Australia since the beginning of time.

  2. rw says:

    I’ve been reading H. H. Lamb’s Climatology, History, and the Modern World (ed 2, 1995). One of the interesting things I encountered (along with the statement that most climatologists believe the mountain glaciers were formed during the present interglacial period) is that the onset of the Little Ice Age was marked by an increase in storms, flooding and droughts. It seems that once upon a time increased volatility of weather and extreme events were associated with cooling. Not any more, I guess.

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