Berkeley Biologist : “Under a best-case scenario, temperatures will warm by four degrees between now and 2100”

If predictions hold, the world could be hotter in 2040 than at any time since humans have inhabited the Earth, he said. Global warming will force wildlife species to move around the globe to find habitat that suits them.

The San Francisco Bay will be infested with Crocodiles and Wildebeest will roam the streets of Oakland.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Berkeley Biologist : “Under a best-case scenario, temperatures will warm by four degrees between now and 2100”

  1. Mike Davis says:

    They are again doing controlled studies of the effects of Hallucinogens at UC Berkley. Actually it looks as if the “Experiment started in the 60s was never completed and has spread to the entire Climatology field! Being a “Biologist” He is probably into Shrooms!

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