China To Reduce Emissions 20% By 2010

China, a staunch force vs global climate change

By Liu Jianchao

Posted date: December 15, 2009

MANILA, Philippines — Each year, the effects of global climate change are coming into sharper focus. Barely a month goes by without some fresh bad news: ice sheets and glaciers are melting faster than expected, sea levels are rising more rapidly than ever in recorded history, plants are blooming earlier in the spring, water supplies and habitats are in danger, and birds are being forced to find new migratory patterns.

Global climate change not only affects the development of mankind, but also threatens the existence of our blue planet, thus has become a grave challenge to the whole international community. The call of duty must be answered and the international endeavor must be unleashed by the countries all over the world. That’s why around 15,000 representatives from more than 190 countries and regions are gathering in Copenhagen, trying to map out an effective strategy to win the battle against climate change.

China has adopted and is implementing the National Climate Change Program, which includes mandatory national targets for reducing energy intensity by about 20 percent by 2010.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to China To Reduce Emissions 20% By 2010

  1. UzUrBrain says:

    They are “reducing energy intensity by about 20 percent by 2010.” They are NOT reducing their CO2 output, discharge, creation, whatever else you want to cal it at all. The actual output has in fact increased by more than 20 percent since this “pledge” was made.

  2. Nonoy Oplas says:

    Philippine media is teeming with so many climate alarmists. Many of them buy the idiotic claim that global warming causes more rains and less rains; it causes more typhoons and less typhoons.

  3. Dr. Killpatient says:

    The horror of early-blooming flowers must be dealt with immediately. I would put forth an aggressive and comprehensive world-wide Agent Orange spaying campaign across all areas of the Earth with thick vegetation.

  4. Was that supposed to read induce not reduce?


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