Climate Scientists Show Great Skill At Predicting Retroactively

This winter has seen a surfeit of heavy snowfall and harsh winter storms, drawing the conclusion in some corners that concern about climate change is overstated. However, extreme weather of the sort battering America this season is actually a predictable result of global warming, according to a panel of scientists in Washington. The climatologists argued on Tuesday that excess moisture is absorbed into the atmosphere when ocean water evaporates in warmer weather. This, in turn, causes more intense storms.

Snow and cold was predictable, but they just forgot to predict it – and accidentally predicted the opposite. When they said “snow is a thing of the past” they were completely FOS, but now they are reliable and we can trust everything they say to keep funding coming in.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Climate Scientists Show Great Skill At Predicting Retroactively

  1. Dave N says:

    “..a predictable result of global warming, according to a panel of scientists in Washington”

    Interesting that they don’t mention whether the same scientists actually did predict it, but then I guess they also don’t want to diminish our confidence in them, right?

  2. NoMoreGore says:

    They haven’t given much thought to this whole warmcold thingy. If more snow is the result of warming.., when does the new ice age begin?

  3. Ralph says:

    “now they are reliable and we can trust everything they say”

    Just like when they predicted we were entering a new ice age in 1970.

  4. Ivan says:

    “extreme [cold] weather .. is actually a predictable result of global warming..”

    Apparently these guys never do any research, and aren’t ones to let facts get in the way of a good story, but I wonder how they account for the decade of unparalleled cold winters during the 1890s. During this period every winter in America and Europe (with the possible exception of 1896) was described in the headlines as “intense”, “extreme” or “severe”, complete with starvation, multiple deaths and marauding wolves. (References can be supplied on request!)

  5. Baa Humbug says:

    So I guess snowball Earth was due to global warming at the time.

  6. Mike Davis says:

    They are still FOS!

  7. Andy Weiss says:

    You would think these people would be contrite about their old BS and failed predictions, instead they simply make up new BS on the fly!

  8. DEEBEE says:

    Yes they are like the talking heads on CNBC, they can always tell you why the market did what it did with great degree of skill. Try to trend their statements over time and you realize they are worse than blindmonkeys playing darts.

  9. pat says:

    Snow is a thing of the past except when its not.

  10. Gator says:

    I predict the Green Bay Packers won the Superbowl! WOOHOO!!!

    What do I win?

  11. Kevin says:

    I predict that manmade global warming will cause you to write this article.

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