Dark Comedy Down Under

This sounds more like a looney bin than a government.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Dark Comedy Down Under

  1. Latitude says:

    I was eating lunch today with my 10 year old grandson when his Mom asked him “What is tomorrow?” he said “It’s president’s day”
    She asked “What does that mean?”. I was waiting for something profound.
    He said, “President’s day is when Obama steps out of the White House and if he sees his shadow, we have two more years of stupidity.”
    I almost snorted my ice tea.

  2. Anything is possible says:

    Forecast for Washington DC tomorrow……….

    …Mostly sunny. LOL!

  3. Dave N says:

    I live with the loons.. Might be time to move..

  4. Baa Humbug says:

    I say bring on the ads. The public are sick of pronouncements from this government as it is. Seeing on tv and reading in the press every day the fact that they will be taxed is not going to play out too well

  5. Curt says:

    They could easily get the money if they stopped barraging us Yanks with ads encouraging us to burn ridiculous amounts of fossil fuels to fly to Australia as tourists! Seriously, there has been a big ad campaign recently in the US for that. As Glenn Reynolds says, I’ll start worrying when the people who say it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

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