Declining Spring Snow Cover?

Northern Hemisphere Spring (March-May) snow cover with red lines showing two standard deviations. From

Note that every year except 1968 and 1979 are within two standard deviations. Once again, another AGW fundamental principle proves to be little more than hype.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Declining Spring Snow Cover?

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Global Warming killing crops in Mexico it’s so hot they are all dying from the cold

  2. Mike Davis says:

    This is one situation our NSIDC apologists need to defend. They have made the claim of decreasing Spring snow.

  3. Peter Ellis says:

    That’s not how you measure the significance of a trend.

    • Mike Davis says:

      There is no LONG term Trend to measure because there are not enough historical records to have a long term trend.
      When I woke this morning it was getting light and if the trend continues it will be light until the end of time! That is equal to the significance of your claimed tend!

      • I agree. There was an unusually large amount of snow in the 1970s and early 1980s. It would be nice to see a longer term record.

      • Mike Davis says:

        The only long term trend to be concerned about are those seen over a range of thousands of years. The range of weather events is a better indicator than some average. Long term weather “Trends” one direction or the other over periods of thousands of years as seen in the geological records. There are also events named Multidecadal events such as AMO PDO and many others that show a thirty year collection is only weather!
        There are historical records that provide some regional information showing a bit of the variation we can expect and you have found and shown a bunch of them!

  4. Mike Davis says:

    The days have been getting longer since the end of December and if the trend continues by this time next year the days will be weeks long or maybe never ending! It is a significant trend!!!! 😉
    It is also based on real world observations!

  5. Mike Davis says:

    If I were living in the Southern Hemisphere I would be concerned about the loss of daylight because the significant trend is towards shorter periods of sunlight and if the trend continues they will soon have no sunlight at all! Then we will see mass migration to the Northern Hemisphere! The people that enjoy Night Life will move south and all the Sun Worshipers will want to move north. All the farming will have to be done in the Norther Hemisphere also unless they want to grow Mushrooms that prefer to grow in the dark!
    It is UNPRECEDENTED and has not happened in “recent” history !!!!!

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