England Present – And Future

The apple orchards have been replaced with orange groves, the turf covered over with gravel and the summer borders replanted with cacti. They may look like scenes from a Portugese holiday, but these images could be the future of the traditional English garden, plant experts claimed yesterday.  The striking images are part of a National Trust campaign to highlight how gardens will look if global warming brings Mediterranean weather to Britain in the next few decades.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to England Present – And Future

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Would any of this be terrible?

  2. Al Gored says:

    Funny. Did Nunavut really move to the UK.

    I’ll take warmer any day.

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    I’m just wondering, since we need to put CO2 back to “Natural levels” what about everything else, should we bulldoze all the cities and turn them back into forests again and make everything back to how it was before?

    Why just CO2 we should put everything back to “normal”

  4. Old Goat says:

    I challenge ANYONE to prove what normal CO2 levels are.

    And I use the words “Prove” and “normal” advisedly…

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