EPA 1983 : New York Climate Will Be Like Daytona Beach, Even If There Is A Total Ban On Fossil Fuels

Page 11


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to EPA 1983 : New York Climate Will Be Like Daytona Beach, Even If There Is A Total Ban On Fossil Fuels

  1. Ivan says:

    I wonder if the EPA is somehow related to this guy:

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Is EPA going to find those 16 ships that make more pollution then all the cars on earth?


  3. Andy Weiss says:

    What is wrong with Daytona Beach’s climate? It sure beats the blizzards of last winter.

  4. Blade says:

    “What is wrong with Daytona Beach’s climate?”

    Not a thing at all. In fact terraforming the higher latitudes to be more tropical would suit normal people just fine. I consider this issue as a Rorschach (if not an IQ) test.

    If you think about ‘Warming’ and feel happy … you are a normal evolved intelligent human being.

    If you think about ‘Warming’ and feel sad … you have devolutionary congenital defects or unwavering submission to peer pressure, either of which has facilitated your descent into madness.

    WARM == Good
    COLD == Bad

    It’s so simple a caveman can understand.

  5. Pingback: Was the Fix In Before the IPCC Existed? « NoFrakkingConsensus

  6. Baa Humbug says:

    Steve, Donna Laframboise has picked this up and done an excellent piece on it, Was the Fix in Before the IPCC?


  7. Pingback: IPCC pwned by Greenpeace? « JunkScience Sidebar

  8. Really scientific: 2 degrees Centigrade=1.6F, they say (in reality, 3.6F). The other way round this makes no sense either; then it’s 2°F=1.1°C. But +2°F=-16.7°C. I give up.

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