EPA Forecast : Declining Spring Snow Cover In Idaho


  • Salmon and other coldwater species will experience additional stresses as a result of rising water temperatures and declining summer streamflows.
  • Sea-level rise along vulnerable coastlines will result in increased erosion and the loss of land.
  • Declining springtime snowpack leads to reduced summer streamflows, straining water supplies.
  • Increased insect outbreaks, wildfires, and changing species composition in forests will pose challenges for ecosystems and the forest products industry.


Idaho got 200 cm of declining snow this week.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to EPA Forecast : Declining Spring Snow Cover In Idaho

  1. Bill Gannon says:

    Just a quick comment on wildfires in our forests. The real stewards of the northwest the Indians set the forests and valley floors on fire in September and October and then let the winter snows and rain put the flames out. These fires burned off the underbrush and dead and dying timber. Now a days the Forest Service takes and puts out said fires, to protect the people who have cabins, homes and mansions in the forests. May be I’m just old fashioned, but lets go back to the ways of old and burn baby burn. I’m sorry this came from the EPA and heap big chief knows all, sees all and speaks with forked tongue. Do as I say, not as I do

    • The Indians managed this land far better then the Europeans have. I agree with you that they should be put in charge of land management. I would make a land management department in Washington and it would be run by American Indians—if I could.

  2. Jimbo says:

    There is apparently some evidence to suggest a decrease in boreal fires over the past 150 years. However, NEVER let the facts get in the way of a good scare story.

    We believe that global warming since 1850 may have triggered decreases in fire frequency in some regions and future warming may even lead to further decreases in fire frequency. Simulations of present and future fire regimes, using daily outputs from the General Circulation Model (GCM), were in good agreement with recent trends observed in fire history studies.

    “…….a number of studies indicated a decrease in boreal fire activity in the last 150 years or so.”
    Source: Girardin, M.P., A.A. Ali et. al. 2009. Global Change Biology, 15, 2751–2769 [pdf]

    “Decreasing frequency of forest fires in the southern boreal zone of Québec and its relation to global warming since the end of the ‘Little Ice Age’ ”

    Natural fire frequency for the eastern Canadian boreal forest: consequences for sustainable forestry
    “Results showed a dramatic decrease in fire frequency that began in the mid-19th century and has been accentuated during the 20th century. Although all areas showed a similar temporal decrease in area burned, we observed a gradual increase in fire frequency from the west to Abitibi east, followed by a slight decrease in central Quebec. The global warming that has been occurring since the end of the Little Ice Age (~1850) may have created a climate less prone to large forest fires in the eastern boreal forest of North America. ”

    Yet we get predictions of doom in the warming (now cooling) world. Utter bolocks!

  3. Again, I’d like to point out, the EPA says h2o is pollution, since h2o is a greenhouse gas.

    Video evidence:


  4. Jeff K says:

    Pretty soon we’ll be hearing sob stories that all the extra snowpack in the West is harming the desert flora and fauna, that cacti will be a thing of the past, as will be rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantulas, and the endangered desert tortoise.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    I didn’t know that Idaho had a lot of coastline that could be effected by sea level rise.

    Maybe they mean after the Gore-pocalypse when Idaho is part of the West Coast of the USSA.

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