Exceptionally Mild Greenland Forecast : Close To All-Time Record Cold Tonight (-81F)


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Exceptionally Mild Greenland Forecast : Close To All-Time Record Cold Tonight (-81F)

  1. Ralph says:

    Wow! Let me get my tanning lotion and lawn chair. It sounds like another great day coming up in Greenland to work on my tan!

  2. Blade says:

    That is one seriously frightening weather report. -81°F, winds from the North Pole. Are the residents up there really onboard with the AGW climate cult, really?

    So let me get this straight, since the polar regions supposedly are at risk from AGW, if with a magic wand we cranked the CO2 up to a nice even 1,000 ppm, that weather report would then say what? -78°F? Equatorial regions would presumably see a little less, right?

    I say we go whole hog to 1,000 ppm, and send the greenies Mann, Romm, Gavin, Tamino, Gore, Serreze, Hansen, to live near the poles and have them report back the details as soon as they thaw out long enough to make a phone call.

    Let’s vote them off the island.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    If it warms up only 114 degrees, using the inflated (F) scale, we are all doomed!!

  4. Robert Austin says:

    The Catlin people better hope for accelerated global warming to kick in before they set out for the Pole.

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