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But Global Warming is only likely to continue until tomorrow!
“Weather Department on Thursday said that the global warming is the major cause of dropping of temperature in Thailand.”
I will go with . . . and why is that???
Why Laurie, I would have thought this obvious to you by now, warmcold, of course.
Because the cold is caused by global warming, it is a moist cold caused by all the heat trapped in the atmosphere which causes increased precipitation, and as everyone should know…..moistcold is really warm air that tricks thermometers.
Terrorists are being brought to justice in criminal courts these days…
Al Gore and the global warming alarmists such as left wing politicians, pseudo scientists, journalists, the Hollywood idiots, have been inflicting psychological terrorism upon a whole generation of children all over the world for the last 20 years.
These charlatans should be brought to justice as the perpetrators of the biggest scam in the history of this planet.
The social,financial and psychological damages that they caused are beyond comprehension.
No criminal organization in history has ever come even close to having such a dezastruous impact on so many people, for such a long time, and make so much money in the process.
They should not be permitted to get away with it.
Hundred of billions have been wasted on a fraud, social and economical policies have been altered based on a fraud….the moral authors of this fraud should be in jail for the rest of their lives and their fortune seized
You’ll find few that disagree with the precepts and concepts you’ve expressed. However, these thoughts don’t gain much traction here or any other place in this part of the blogosphere. Tone it down a little. Give foundation for your thoughts. Present your arguments in reasoned leveled tones. Each one of your statements, while they may or may not be true, need grounded in demonstrable facts. They may seem obvious to you, but not, necessarily, to everyone else.
Stick around. Let truth present itself. It always does.
The people upstairs are pretty busy . . . it could take time . . .
Open letter to Al Gore
Anthropogenic global warming is a total fraud, an international effort of power and money grabbing based on the marxist concept of “wealth redistribution”.
On April 28 1975 Time magazine had on its front cover the title THE BIG FREEZE!!, with an article, signed by climate scientists, concluding that the Earth is cooling to the point it will all be covered in ice and all living creatures will die of freezing.
The “scientists” even came up with a solution: collect all the ashes and residues generated by coal-burning power plants and spreat it over the North Pole, to capture the heat generated by the sun….
This could only have come from sick, perverted minds, but at the time it was viewed as a real option.
After a few years, when it obviously turned out that such a theory was nonsense, the so called climate scientists, in their quest for government grants, have invented a new fantasy, that of global warming……the world is warming due to us, human beings and we are all going to die unless we give up all of our liberties to one big world government which is going to regulate every single aspect of our lives, how many times to flush our toilets, what kind of cars to drive, where, for what reason and how far, how many children to have , what kind of food to eat, etc.
In 1992 Al Gore said that “the time for a debate is over, the science is settled”…..
This obviously is a lie for the time for a debate is never over and the science is far from being settled.
Science my dear sir, does not work as a democracy , meaning that in science, the majority does not rule as it does in a democracy.
If 1000 scientists have a debate and 999 of them agree on the subject, but only one of them disagree, it may very well turn out , as it has so many times in history, that the lone scientist is the only one that is right.
I could give you many examples, such as that of Charles Darwin.
When he first presented his theory of the evolution of species, all the scientists laughed at him and ridiculed him…in the end he was right and they were wrong.
When Galileo said the Earth is spinning, the rest of the scientists accused him of heresy…but it turned out he was right and they were all wrong.
After 15 years of advancing a false theory based on fraudulent data, the “scientists” noticed that the planet is not warming, but is actually cooling, so they changed the name of their theory yet again from global warming to “Climate Change”, just in case, to have all possibilities covered.
Soon, my dear sir the whole thing will be unequivocally exposed for a premeditated fraud.
People like yourself will then be held responsible for the enormous psychological, social and financial damage that your actions have caused.
Just like when a doctor who gives out the wrong diagnosis and causes harm to the patient as a result, just like in such a case the doctor has the license suspended and has to pay damages or even go to prison, people like you will soon face the consequences of the lies you have imposed on the world for so many years.
There must be parents out there whose children have suffered mental trauma because of this great scam.
All these parents should get together and get a pit bull of a lawyer to file a class action law suit in a civil court and take the global warming crooks to the cleaners.