GISS Winter Temperatures Rapidly Diverging From HadCRUT

They are diverging at 1.4C / century.

GISS shows warming, while HadCRUT shows cooling. Isn’t settled science grand?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to GISS Winter Temperatures Rapidly Diverging From HadCRUT

  1. 'taint wocket sighance folks says:

    It’s OK Joe, you are not a Scientist, therefore it’s ok that you are unable to comprehend it or how it operates in the real world.

    Really, we all know how unsettling complex science and changes can be on a humble person.

    Just know that science built the computer your using, the roads you drive your science built car on, the planes that fly overhead, and medical procedures your are sure to need one day, and every other thing you do in your life including Nuclear Reactors and intercontinental ballastic missiles …. they follow the VERY SAME Modus Opeandi even if you don’t like the results BUT if it makes you and your buddies feel better that Climate Science produced by over 10,000 qualified and trained and reputable Scientists are all somehow operating on a different plane of existence than every other scientific modality on planet Earth, or if you can believe that this is the way it has always been {and self-correcting over time} in regard science and medicine and engineering or whatever, then there there dear one, it’ll be ok …. well one day.

    Maybe have a lay down?

    Try gardening perhaps?

    Go fishing?

    Read one of the Classics?

    Heck, I don’t know … but it sure looks that scientific comprehension is not your forte mate!

    “Just having Fun” …. and That’s all Folks!

    • 10,000 climate scientists? Where do they work?

    • suyts says:

      Dang it Steve you’re quicker than I am!

      lol, 10,000! Wasn’t that a peppy pop group a while back?

      Toon boy! Climatology doesn’t have a damn thing to do with computer science. Now, instead of your blather, why don’t you try to explain the divergence? It is difficult to understand seeing that they share the essentially the same data. Oh, wait, I know the answer! HadCrut doesn’t extrapolate and infill imaginary thermometer data.

      Now ‘toon boy. Do you have something substantive to offer in terms of facts or are you going to show yourself to be simply another driving by, “don’t have time for the facts when regarding science” person.

      • There are a lot of people out there who like to discuss theory, and they are better off on blogs like McIntyre’s or Schmidt’s. The purpose of this blog is to look at history, predictions and results. The stuff I report pulls the rug out from under the feet of theoreticians, and spoils their fun. So they get angry.

  2. Sean says:

    Jim Hanson the ultimate multi-tasker: a player/coach, referree and scorekeeper all in one.

  3. Sandy Rham says:

    Hi “‘taint wocket sighance folks”
    You must understand that scientists aren’t paragons of virtue, aren’t even that smart very often. That’s why Science needs the intellectually curious like us just to check their reasoning.
    Often academics groupthink their way into the most awful twaddle.

  4. GISS not diverging from HADcrut? Holy crap! Let’s take a look:

    GISS diverging, Part 1

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